Monday, February 18, 2013


That's right: MEAT. It seems most people I know try to get by with buying bargain cuts and quality of meat for their cooking; especially steaks, which usually sell at premium rates even for lower quality slabs. I know, I know. The economy is in the crapper. People want to skimp on quality and price where they can. And I'm not saying you should always buy top-dollar proteins for all your meals. But, dammit, when you treat yourself to a steak, it should actually be a treat. If you have to marinate it in order to be able to eat it, then it isn't worth spending your money on.

Regardless of which cut you prefer (ribeye is my favorite), the meat should be tender and flavorful without having to soak your steak before it hits the grill. Just a bit of salt and pepper, and maybe even some olive oil, should be plenty to bring out the wonderful flavor of the meat. AND NO STEAK SAUCE!!!! Steak sauce is a mask for bad flavor and tough, gristly shoe leather. Don't use it on a good steak! Oh, and don't overcook your bovine beauty. If you're going to cook it beyond medium, then don't bother with a good, expensive quality or cut: it will end up just as rubbery and tasteless as a McDonald's "hamburger" patty.