Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nanny's Best

When I was 15 years old, my Nanny passed away to cancer. She was THE cook of the family. Her culinary library seemed endless, and everything she cooked tasted amazing.

I just so happen to have possession of her old, metal recipe box, filled almost to bursting with both handwritten and typed recipes. Some are her own, some are clipped from magazines and newspapers, and some were given to her by friends and relatives. I've begun the daunting task of sorting, deciphering, and typing up these recipes. It's looking to be a more difficult undertaking than I expected, since so many of the recipes aren't actually recipes, but just ingredient lists. So I'm having to use my own knowledge and experience to figure out what the direction lists should be for certain recipes. And I admit, I'm having trouble with several of them, since a lot of these recipes are old Southern "throw together whatever you have in the kitchen and stick it in the oven" recipes. I have the sinking feeling that many of her recipes will never be completely figured out. The good news is, many of our family's favorite recipes are in the bunch, recipes that we all thought had never been written down.

So let's get back to the point of all this... Since I have family scattered in different parts of the country, it will make it so much easier for everyone to access the recipes by me posting them here. I, quite honestly, haven't tried any of these yet, so I can't do much more than post them as they are on the cards. When I get around to making them myself, though, I'll just have to take photos and post them here, along with any tips!

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